Sherri Davis

Passionate. Driven. Experienced. Highly Favored.

Without any hesitation, the most important thing one needs to know about me is that my personal walk with Jesus Christ is paramount to everything else in my life. I am passionate about serving, about sharing what He has done for ME and what he will do for YOU. It is the compass that steers me in my personal relationships, my real estate business and my daily decisions. This desire to serve others is what led me to a successful career in real estate...the ultimate service industry.

“From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” (Luke 12:48)

Relationship Driven. The clients that I have been blessed to work with are not just numbers, statistics or another transaction. They are individuals with hopes, dreams and plans and I have the incredible opportunity to guide them through the process of both buying and selling properties. My God given gifts include creating color schemes, staging, interior design and strong home marketing skills. These skills paired with a servant’s heart for building relationships has created a career built almost entirely on client referrals. Clients gain not only a strong, experienced realtor but a partner who will always put their best interest at the forefront of every transaction. Highly Favored. In 6 short years, I have been overwhelmed by the favor and blessings that God has bestowed upon my life and my business. Hundreds of successful transactions, consistent Multi-Million Dollar Producer awards, opportunities to teach and train other realtors, life-changing opportunities...I am forever grateful.

Unto Him that is able He is to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think.
(Ephesians 3:20)

Meet Sherri

Sherri Davis proudly supports the SPCA of East Texas through fostering, adopting, and volunteering at the WAGS Boutique in Tyler, TX.